
The 5 Best Accessible Travel Apps

Accessible travel often needs a little bit of extra planning – these accessible travel apps could help you make planning easier! See what you can find around the UK…


1. Accessable Travel Guides

The Accessable travel guide (which used to be called DisabledGo) is a fantastic app which gives you accessibility information for hundreds of sites, attractions, tourist spots and just nice places to be across the UK. They release regular travel guides for different places to help with planning trips.

Find out more here >>


2. Fuel Service Finder

FuelService is a fantastic app if you are travelling in the car and need to find an accessible petrol station. The app allows you to contact the petrol station in advance and they can let you know through the app whether they can provide accessibility support for a range of different features – from toilets to asasistance with fuelling.

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3. Changing Places Toilet Finder

This handy app lets you find your nearest changing places toilet – because no one should have to lay on a toilet floor. Changing Places toilets usually include a changing table, hoist and access equipment, and are much larger.

Find out more here >>


4. Wheelmap

This handy app is a community built app which provides other users’ information on different sites – from restaurants to car parks to museums. You can link to your location to find the nearest accessible service and build a picture of the area for others to enjoy too!

Find out more here >>


5. Passenger Assist App

This app, which is currently being trialled across a few trainlines, is designed to help the visually impaired to find their way around train stations and between platforms, stops and stations using audio guides to direct you. The app is set to be rolled out in Autumn 2019 – watch this space!

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